Saturday, November 1, 2008

My first blog entry

Let me start my first blog entry with a little introduction - My name is Cody. I am 21 years old and I am the quintessential small town boy with dreams of glory. Not glory in the classical sense, on the battle field or even the football field. My glory is simply the accumulation of the two F's: FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Before you scoff and hit the nice little back button, or stumble to the next random page, let me tell you that this is not a feet to be taken lightly, especially for the typical broke college student like myself. So I have decided to use this blog to chronicle my trials and tribulations while on the path to achieving this goal. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated, and maybe I might be able to give some advice of my own along the way that could help one of you out there in cyberspace land.

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